Legal terms

This website, (the « Site »), is the exclusive property of FG Avocat SRL (« FG Avocat », « we » or « us »). All rights are reserved. FG Avocat is a limited liability company under Belgian law with registered office at Chaussée de Wavre 61, B-1330 Rixensart (Belgium). FG Avocat is registered with the Register of Legal Entities of the Walloon Brabant under number 0743.656.141 and with the Belgian VAT Administration under number BE0743.656.141. Any request for information concerning the Site may be addressed to

Use of the Site is authorised solely in accordance with these terms and under normal use for the Site’s intended purpose. We invite you to read these terms before using the Site. By using the Site, you are deemed to have read these terms and to accept them.

FG Avocat provides no guarantee, either express or implied, concerning the operation or use of the Site (in particular its accessibility, maintenance or the occurrence of other computer or IT-related problems) or its content (in particular as regards the accuracy of the data presented). Under no circumstances may FG Avocat be held liable for any damage whatsoever (in the broadest sense, direct or indirect, whatever the cause, origin or nature) arising from the consultation or use of the Site.

Cookies may be placed on your device when you use the Site. FG Avocat uses exclusively third-party analytics cookies, such as Google Analytics provided by Google Inc. These cookies collect information allowing us to analyse your use of the Website and improve the latter. We can retrieve only aggregated statistical information about your use of the Website. Cookies may also be placed by the social media referred to on the Website. Social media use such cookies to enable functionalities (e.g. to follow FG Avocat) and, as applicable, to collect information about your browsing behaviour for their own purposes. You can enable or disable cookies at any time by amending the cookies’ settings of your browser. 

The use of the Site and its consequences in the broadest sense, as well as the ensuing relationship between FG Avocat and the visitor, are governed exclusively by Belgian law and, in the event of any dispute not resolved amicably, are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Walloon Brabant.

Thank you for visiting our Site.